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Meet The Model

The model - the points in the contract section
The model - the points in the work conditions section
The model - the points in the interpersonal communication section
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The model includes 3 main range columns:


The first - the elements of the employment contract, which includes:

Employment security, regular (and irregular) employment, financial security, salary, social conditions, definition of employer-employee relations, and pension.​


The second is the working conditions, this includes: working hours, the physical work environment, stress and load, status, meaning and satisfaction, occupational horizon, degrees of freedom, ambiguity and clarity of the job, knowledge and skills required (for entering the job) and knowledge and skills acquired (during the job)​


The third is interpersonal communication and it includes: organisational culture, the management style of the direct manager, mentoring and personal training, control and task management, attitude towards the employee, work interfaces (with whom I work, and and the communication platforms) interpersonal communication , teamwork and collegiality, a sense of belonging, and interpersonal skills (of the employee with others and managers).

Another Prespective

The model contains all the points that affect the employee's experience. At the same time, it’s not attempt to contain all the situations, and experiences those are complex and most of the time combined (each work and it’s own structures) situations happen from different compounds of workplaces, types of people, types of contracts, branches of professions and more.


The model mapping is from the perspective of the elements, there are more perspectives ro ways to observe this world, such as on the employee timeline , wich is another way to see how the points appear throughout the employee's life (we will also add this angle in the near future here) as another look at the points at a different places on timeline


I will add and point out that, like many things, the model is not perfect, and we will continue to tighten and refine the points along the way, but we can say proudly from our that we managed to map and structure it and detail it in a way that we mapped all the issues in the world of work.

What is a company with a healthy work culture?

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