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Professional horizon

Today the responsibility for building career processes with development and growth lies with the employee. In the past and in certain countries where the employee stayed at one workplace, the workplace provided promotion processes, but in our world the employee often promotes himself by moving from one workplace to the next independently. Workplaces that provide employment horizons and growth opportunities benefit from employees with ambitions and goals to advance in the company and strengthen employee loyalty to the company and more satisfied employees.

The requirement of HR departments to accept employees with experience in the same field makes it difficult for the employee's independent advancement process to develop into desired positions

There are positions in certain industries such as lawyers where the occupational horizon is built into the position and if satisfied with the employee he has the occupational horizon to grow and become a partner in that office

This topic also touches on the economy, technology and automation, and one of the unrealized dystopias to date is that there will not be enough jobs for all the people who want to work, and this will create a whole layer that is "out of the game" while there may be unemployed consumers of technology

In a world where the only sure thing is change, employees have an unwritten obligation to be attentive to developments in their field and in general to feel the winds blowing and remain relevant and have the required skills in the changing world of work. In the future, it is believed that technological developments will force workers to change professions every 10 years. And in a broad perspective, governments should assess the situation in which the skills of entire markets may soon become irrelevant, and build protection mechanisms for these workers, (in the months of training for the new professions and more)

The UBI initiative tries to address this concern by changing the model in creating employment security that is not based on work as the only source of income if this concern is realized.

Professional horizon

Professional horizon


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