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Groups and associations

There are several ways that an employee can improve his working conditions. At the individual level, it is possible to study a more demanding profession (such as medicine or programming) or move to a country where the working conditions are better. But in order for the quality of life of the workers to really improve, the way that has proven to be the most effective is the creation of associations that protect the workers. 

We already know unions and workers' organizations in Israel, which arose together with the establishment of the state, with the establishment of the state, the workers' organizations gave support and answers to about 70 percent (don't get me wrong on the number) of all workers and during the 1970s-90s the figure dropped to about 40 percent of all workers. This figure affects the ability of employees to demand conditions that translate into quality of life. And there is nothing to talk about independent people at all.

In this part of the site we will work to establish groups that will work to improve the conditions on the topic of that group. The groups will not be bound to a workplace, or to a certain industry, but to any issue that is a problem in the world of work, (for example working hours and the right to be disconnected after working hours, or strengthening parents and especially mothers of small children) each and every one can join several groups, it is important to us May you be active to create impactful actions together to change the current situation for the better.


We will add, as soon as the project brings in sums, the first jobs that will be opened are for lawyers who will work on those issues to anchor in legislation and in other ways to improve the working conditions of the groups. 

You are invited to examine which groups are important for you to join and together change the existing situation for a society where the workplace and processes are healthier and more adapted to humans. 

קבוצות והתאגדויות

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